The PaulWay Mixes

This is the list of the mixes that I've made that contain elements of Breakbeat. Some are full-on, some are a mixture of other styles. You're just going to have to listen to them to work it out for yourself. All mixes are hosted using BitTorrent.






Date finished

66 Break It Up! Breakbeat 160 kbps MP3 - 86.1 MB
80 kbps OGG - 47.4 MB
160 kbps OGG - 91.7 MB
01:19:55 19 Oct 2012

I welcome any suggestions, criticisms and recommendations for new music to listen to. I will consider doing specific mixes for people, but this is only a hobby. Hope to hear from you.

Main index / mixes/ - © 2004-2023 Paul Wayper
last updated 19 Oct 2012
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