Too Busy For Words - the PaulWay Blog

Fri 21st Jul, 2006

Indenting considered harmful

Or: If it compiles, it must be correct.

Michael Ellerman takes issue with my example of bad coding practice. It would seem that we both ultimately agree that indenting code is no guarantee for it to do what you want - except in Python. Because his example, to wit:

if (x > y)
	exch(x, y);
	if (x)
	x = 0;
Is another example of coders assuming that indenting is doing what they mean. This code, according to Kernighan and Richie on page 56, will be compiled to mean:

if (x > y) {
    exch(x, y);
if (x) {
} else {
    x = 0;
Which, though it will compile correctly and will not break if exch() is not a #define do { } while (0); macro, is not, I'll wager, what Michael has meant by his example (which is, I believe, that the else clause attaches to the first if). So I'm going to take his example as another proof of the worth of using braces even if you think you'll only ever have one line of code in the 'then' case.

The other point which I left implicit in my post but Michael has pointed out is that compilation failure in this situation is caused by bad coding practice that is not necessarily related to the line you just added. If the code was:

if (x > y)
And I was trying to add the line exch(z,x); after exch(x,y);, then my addition has suddenly caused compilation to fail. But my statement is perfectly legitimate, and spending time looking at the macro of exch() isn't going to elucidate the problem. The problem is that the whole structure is going to assume that the then and else clauses are a single statement; using the do { } while (0); hack doesn't solve this - it doesn't make the bad coding style good. If the if clause is complex, or the lines are more verbose, or the maintenance programmer isn't a language lawyer or is just simply lazy, then they may hit the compilation error and dike their code out to a separate line:

if (x > y)
if (x > y)
Which suddenly means a lot more hassle when the tested expression changes or exch changes meaning or the new value of y is suddenly less than x (because it was exchanged with z in the else clause, before). No Good Will Come Of It.

Maybe I should download the kernel source, remove some of these do { } while (0); hacks, fix up the relevant usages so they're properly braced (heh), and make myself an instant top ten kernel patch submitter... :-)

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